Feeling better today. Despite the chaotic respite of yesterday. Began my morning with the usual yoga. (Don't know how I ever coped before I found
Jeff and Harmony). Came home, made myself a lovely coffee and began to usher orders of the day. Sofie and Jane were heading off to some friends for the morning, leaving me alone with Jack and Piper. Jack was jonesing for a trip to the Bugzoo, more than I could take on, knowing what was ahead for the afternoon. I convinced him to pop on one of his favourite Planet Earth dvds while I hopped in the tub.
I ran myself a steaming hot bubbly bath and decided to call a good friend, and report on how great yoga was this morning. I am about to slide myself into said bubbly bath, when in pops a toddler, who decides she should join me. "But it is too hot" I insist. She quickly strips down dips in a toe, and reports back that it is fine. Thwarted by a three year old!!!
My tub is now turned into a splash fest that involves handfuls of bubbles being lofted at the wall. "Stop it" I say, "You will wreck the wall". She does stop, but the next moment is eating them off and spitting them at ME! We loll around until the water begins to chill, I wash my hair and we both climb out.
I make a quick lunch and proceed to be urged to watch Planet Earth, for the next two hours when I really should be planning, if not making dinner. (I am still recouping from my cold, I convince myself, and sit down on the couch with a cup of tea).
So this is where things are going to get a bit messy, the schedule for the rest of the day is as follows.
3:30 Sofie and Jane to yoga (meanwhile, I will get the A string replaced on Jane's cello and return a bath math)
4:30 to the
Paintbox to help Emily paint some mural pieces.
5:30 cello
6:00 dinner
7:00 gallery opening.
Does anyone see a time in there for me to cook dinner. No, I didn't think so. On the way to the music shop, I get a brainstorm. My vegan husband will not be around for dinner so I will take this opportunity to feed our children fish (Not Jack, like father like son). So after the A string, we swing by the bagel shop, pick up a dozen and make plans for Tuna melts.
Fortuitously while painting, my children invite Emily for dinner, as she will also be going to the art opening. I seize the opportunity for some adult conversation and extend the invitation, so generously offered by my children. I drop Jane off at cello, swing home with the rest of the tribe and begin making tuna melts. Emily arrives and, when I am about to dash out to grab Jane, she offers to go, taking along Sofie and Piper. I finish making dinner while they are gone.
I am pretty sure having dinner with four children may be enough to turn even the most patient person off ever having a family. Emily is a trooper, all her teaching makes her amazing with children. We all shared what we were greatful for today, then jetted off to the
gallery to catch the opening of Great New Wave a Contemporary Japanese art exhibit.
But what is in my tuna melts you say.
Here goes,
I take two of the big cans (you can easily half or quarter this recipe) of water packed tuna, drained.
Mix with a couple table spoons of salad cream or mayonnaise (whatever is on hand)
Some frozen corn or chopped pickle or what ever your fancy and is available.
I like to grind up some fresh cumin and toss that in. Mix it all up and
spoon over sliced bagels.
Top with grated or sliced cheese.
Broil until cheese melts and starts to go slightly brown, or less if you like.
I like to serve with some chopped veg as well. Fast, yummy and nutritious.
Now as much as I hate cookbooks without pictures, I am sorry to report I have no picture of my lovely melts. I will try to remedy that sometime soon.